We are so excited your dancer(s) is participating in camp this year!

Registration opens March 01, 2025 at 12:00 AM and closes on May 18, 2025 at 11:59 PM

Please read all the information below carefully before filling out the registration form. 

Camp is 100% free to all our dancers. While donations are not required, if you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please visit our donate page.

Teen Week - Ages 12-18

Teen-Week is June 17-21 & 27, 2024, and is open to female dancers between the ages of 12-18. Teen-Week hours are from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm June 16-20th. Teens get a free lunch and snack for the week and a free T-shirt that they will wear for performance day. Teen-Week will be held at Seneca Trail Christian Academy in Ronceverte, WV.

June 27th is recital day. For the recital, teens must attend our half-day camp at Carnegie Hall from 11:00 am - 2:30 pm. A pizza party lunch will be provided. The recital is at Carnegie Hall in Lewisburg, WV at 6:30 pm in the auditorium. Admission is free, donations are greatly appreciated. More information will be provided as the recital approaches.

    Demi-Dancer Week - Ages 4-12

    Demi-dancer week is June 24-28, 2024, and is open to female dancers between ages 4-12. Demi-Dancer week hours are from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm June 23-26th. Girls will get a free snack daily, and a free T-shirt that they will wear for performance day. Demi-Week will be held at Seneca Trail Christian Academy in Ronceverte, WV.

    June 27th is recital day. For the recital, all girls must attend our half-day camp at Carnegie Hall from 11:oo am - 2:30 pm at Carnegie Hall. A Pizza Party Lunch will be provided. The recital is at Carnegie Hall in Lewisburg, WV at 6:30 pm in the auditorium. Admission is free, donations are greatly appreciated. More information will be provided as the recital approaches.

      My daughter is turning 12 after camp, or during, can age still do teen week?

      Yes! As long as she turns 12 by the end of this year, she can join us for teen week

      My daughter is 3, almost 4 can she still do camp?

      Yes! As long as she turns 4 before the end of the year, she can join us for camp this year! 

      Who can I call for registration help?

      Diana Miller 304-956-0001

      I have a 12 year old, do I register her for both weeks?

      No, please select one week. As a pre-teen she has the option to do either Demi week or teen week! 

      My daughters class is full, can I register her in another age?

      Maybe, please contact Diana for approval first! 305-956-0001

      I’m not comfortable leaving my daughter alone can I stay for camp?

      Absolutely, HOWEVER, we require you to register as a volunteer! If you do not register as a volunteer you will NOT be allowed to stay during camp. No exceptions will be made. This is for safety reasons as our top priority is dancers safety!! 

      My daughter is not potty trained, can she do camp?

      No, all dancers must be potty trained

      Terms and Conditions:

      Before you register: Please keep in mind each spot is a valuable spot. We often have an ongoing waitlist because our classes fill up quickly. Please make sure you are fully able to commit to performing before registering, so we aren't turning down others desires to participate. Additionally, if you register and your no longer able to participate, once supplies have been ordered, there will be a fee to cover Glorify's costs for ordered material. However, Glorify is completely FREE to anyone participating. Fees are only charged to those that failed to attend or dropped out after supplies were ordered.



      In connection with my child or ward's voluntary involvement in activities undertaken for, and with the participation and support of Glorify Dance, a non-profit charitable organization, I hereby agree, for myself, my heirs, assigns, executors, and administrators to release and discharge Glorify Dance, its officers and directors, employees, agents and volunteers from all claims, demands and actions for injuries sustained to my child or ward's person and/or property as a result of his/her involvement in such activities, whether or not resulting from negligence, and I agree to release and hold Glorify Dance, its officers and directors, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any cause or action, claim, or suit arising therewith. I hereby attest that attendance and involvement in such activities is voluntary, that he/she is participating at his/her own risk. I also give Glorify Dance permission to take my child or ward to the hospital in case of any emergency and to administer medication that I provide for my child. I further attest that my child or ward has no allergies or special medical needs other than those listed in registration forms.


      Thereby give permission to my child or ward to participate in all activities in the program of Glorify Dance. I also grant permission for photographs, video and quotations from my child or ward during his/her involvement with Glorify Dance to be used for promotional and social media use.


      We have a zero tolerance bullying/ fighting policy in place at Glorify. Dancers will be removed if a teacher/ volunteer feels the need to do so. Foul language and physical/ mental abuse is not tolerated and will be addressed as needed. All dancers must keep their hands to themselves and not touch any other dancer in any form. Inappropriate games such as Indian burns, mercy, arm wrestling, ninja, etc.. will not be permitted during camp. If a dancer violates any of these above rules she will not be permitted to come back or participate in the recital or remainder of camp, but she will be more than welcome to join us the following year!

      Camp 2025 Additional Information:

      This year, as pervious years before, we will continue our scripture reading for the dancers during our recital. Reading/ reciting scripture is not mandatory! Keeping that in mind, please ask your dancer if they are certain that they would like to participate in this. Assigning scripture and selecting what would fit best for every dancer is a lengthy process and complicated to reassign if a dancer backs out. Further, it is the parents responsibility to work with your dancer on memorizing the scripture or reading the scripture!

      We are excited to continue to participate with NOVA jiujitsu as an elective part of camp! If your dancer would like to participate in self defense classes at NOVA jiujitsu please fill out their release form. This is found under the forms page found below. Teens: There is a ride provided to all of our teen dancers to jiujitsu, if parents choose this option, parents can pick up the girls from jiujitsu at the end of the day! Demi-Dancers: A ride is NOT provided for dancers in this week. Parents must transport their dancers to and from jiujitsu. There may not be any volunteers at jiujitsu present. However, parents/ guardians are allowed/ encouraged, to stay and watch! There is no cost for the self defense classes!

      IMPORTANT: Parents/ Guardians, because of safety issues, please note: Absolutely NO parents/ guardians/ family members will be allowed to stay and watch dancers during camp. Only dancers and volunteers will be allowed to be on the premises during camp hours. If you do not feel comfortable leaving your dancer alone, or wish to stay during camp hours to avoid a long drive home, we invite you to register as one of our volunteers! If you wish to stay with your dancers class at all times, the best fit would be class chaperone! Please specify in the notes section under your volunteer form, in our volunteer page, your daughters name age and birthdate. We will do our best to accommodate your wishes! If you do not register as a volunteer before camp, you will not be allowed to stay. No exceptions will be made! 


      Please fill out your daughter(s) registration form below. ***Please make sure to click next to complete all information required! There will be times where the form appears to have disappeared when you click next, Please scroll up or down to adjust your screen to continue. At the end of the form, when your press submit, there will be a recaptcha, scroll up to make sure you answer the recaptcha correctly to finish submitting! Once completed you will get a confirmation that your response has been submitted and an email with a copy of the filled out form! Please fill out ONE form per dancer! We understand that your first time registering can be confusing!! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will gladly walk you through registration! Diana Miller: 304-956-0001